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Clementi Central Florist
Clementi Florist
Florist Clementi
Clementi Flower Shop
Flower Shop Clementi
Singapore Florist

Florist Singapore


Retail Shop Address
#01-22 Grantral Mall
Just beside Clementi MRT exit D
Singapore 129581

How to find us
* The Mall next to Clementi Mall
* Just beside Clementi MRT exit D 
* Very near to Clementi MRT Texi Stand
* Face to Clementi central car park
* Face to Kopitiam
* Outside corner of the Mall gate

​Shop Opening Hours

Mon to Sat: 11am to 8.30pm
Sunday:      11am to 7.00pm

WhatsApp only: 9107-1099 (Pls do not call)
Shop Tel: 6776-7621

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